Officers of the Society
The Burgon Society is run by volunteers who are elected to the Executive Committee at the AGM. In line with the Society's Constitution, all members of the Executive Committee are Fellows of the Society and Trustees of the charity. Additionally, the Executive Committee elects a President as a figurehead of the Society. The current President is Prof. Graham Zellick, former Principal of Queen Mary and Westfield College, and Vice Chancellor of the University of London.
Professor Graham Zellick, CBE, KC, MA, PhD (Cantab), Hon LLD (Birmingham & American International University), LHD (New York), DLit (QMUL), FAcSS, Hon FRAM, Hon FSALS, FBS
Executive Committee (Trustees)
Chairman: Andrew Hogg, MA (Dublin), MSc (Toronto), PhD (Aberdeen), CGeol, FGS, FBS
Secretary: Alice Hynes, BA (Exeter), MA (London), FCIS, MAPM, MInstLM, FAUA, FRSA, FBS
Treasurer: Terry Barcock, BSc (Bradford), MBA (Open), FFSC, FRSA, FBS
Ordinary Members:
Jonathan C. Cooper, BSc (St Andrews), PhD (Central Lancs), FRGS, FBS (Dean of Studies)
The Reverend Philip F. M. Goff, BD (London), AKC, FSA, FBS (Convenor, Research Advisory Group)
John C. Horton, BSc (Manchester), PhD (Cantab), MInstP, FBS (Marshal)
Valentina S. Grub, BA (Wellesley College), MLitt, PhD (St Andrews), FBS (Editor, Burgon Notes)
Nicholas Jackson, BA (York), MSc, PhD (Warwick), FBS
Andrew Plant, BA (Leeds), PhD (Birmingham), FBS (Webmaster)
Chris Williams, MA (Cantab), MA (Colchester Inst.), FBS (Curator)
Professor Stephen L. Wolgast, BA (Kansas State), MS (Columbia), FBS (Publications Officer and Editor of Transactions)